This is the official end of Wreck This Journal. It isn't the end of my journey with it though.
The last couple of weeks I havn't spent as much time on it, other things have been calling me. The journal is still on my desk though. There are things I have done and not scanned, not shared. There are more things to do that I have planned in my head.
I may do them, I may not.
Other things are stirring... I have started writing. Not since a child have I done this.
I think my beginning of WTJ was the thing I learnt the most from.
I learnt nothing is ever so broke it can't be made beautiful.
I learnt I am far braver and have far more gusto than I give myself credit for. Maybe I don't actually creep passively through life. Maybe I have forgotten all the tough decisions, the wild changes. Maybe just because I don't wish to turn my life on it's head right now, doesn't mean I have become passive, weak and cowardly.... I am just making different choices right now.
Art is play and play is art. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you let yourself out to play regularly....
February 16th Weekly Post
4 days ago