Tuesday 17 February 2009

Postcards Nine and Ten

The effect of the postcards is growing and spreading across my wall....

Postcard Nine - A continuation of the doodle I started (which turned out to be a sort of maze) This time I doodled within a word.

Postcard Ten - this postcard was covered with foil insulation tape, words is made up of black foam letters and the butterflies were made using a punch and some magazines. I like the simple meaning behind this postcard. That words are a mirror and they are also fleeting like butterflies... It fits nicely with the theme for Creative Every Day this month which is words...


  1. I really like postcard ten. Postcards are a really neat form of expression. have you ever seen this blog? I love its whole premise. http://postsecret.blogspot.com/

  2. Thank you Alice! I like Postcard ten to - and how simple is it? I had bought two cheap packs of postcards sometime ago for a project I thought I might do with some children but never got to do. If I hadn't had them, I would never have liked the idea. I like their size - not quite so daunting!

  3. just had a look at Postsecret. What a lovely site!
